Meet the Bride

Shella at 6

Shella has always been a bit of a flasher

Shella-Marie Smith was born at 8.34am on 19 November during the 70's in Winchester Hospital, 5 days before her mum, Mary’s, 21st birthday.  In fact, she stopped Mary going out to celebrate – dad, Derek, made up for both of them! 
From a young age, Shella took an interest in ballet, tap dancing, jazz dance and gymnastics.  This has continued into later life with her new hobby, pole dancing, and also Body Jam, with her soul sister, Claire Jones.
Shella has been nicknamed ‘the three degrees’ by her family after graduating three times, with three different degrees.  She ran the London Marathon in 2003 and is due to run again in 2009 when she hopes to complete the course in under 4 hours. 
Shella has had many embarrassing moments, most notably treading on a dog outside a packed pub, and pulling a moonie in front of her mum, dad and brother, Nikki, and managing to fall flat on her face in the process. 
Questions we’ve asked everyone:
Favourite joke:
Q:  Where does Hitler keep his armies?
A:  Up his sleevies!
Favourite pizza topping: 
Goats cheese, honey and onion.  Don’t knock it til you’ve tried it!
If you had to hide a dead body, where would you hide it?
In the middle of Three Maids Hill roundabout, near Littleton
Teenage crush?
Christian Slater in Heathers and Pump Up the Volume
Ever spoken to a celebrity?
Yes – Muhammad Al Fayed when he patted me on the head in Harrods and Vic Reeves (Kelly used to do a show after him on Virgin Radio)
Best song ever?
Don Henley – Boys of Summer

Best film ever?

Apart from your house/car, what is the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought?
My wedding dress!

If all food was healthy, what would you eat right now?
A home made scone with clotted cream and jam